Rugby Camps - Booking Form
Discount codes - Please make sure that any coupon codes are entered in CAPITAL letters. Coupon codes entered in lower case will not be recognised. Sibling discount available when booking 2 or more children from the same family onto a camp. Enter code to get 15% off - SIBLING15
Currency - All bookings must be made in Pound Sterling (£).
Booking confirmation - You will receive an email to confirm your booking immediately after submitting the booking form. Your booking is not confirmed until we receive full payment for the course. Payment should be completed at the end of the booking form via our payment provider WorldPay.
Delivery Policy - There are no delivery charges for bookings on our rugby camps.
Terms & Conditions
Camp FAQs
First Aid Policy
Accepted payment methods
High quality rugby coaching developing hybrid players of the future
The Rugby Coach Ltd
15 Chaldon Way
United Kingdom
07585 523 218